bonus day

bonus day

Happy Monday, y’all. I let Shawshank sleep in again. It’s sunny and nice outside, and we’ve already had some excitement: a large squirrel hanging out in our planter.

I spent much of yesterday afternoon trying to heat seal the locs I made on Saturday. Between the two methods I’ve used, I really prefer the smoother look of steaming over crochet-wrapping them. My biggest problem with that is my method. I moved the whole works into the kitchen yesterday and that worked a little better. I have a couple of ideas on how to improve with the next batch. Things need to be tweaked, that’s all.

We also went to Shady Acres. Shawshank‘s mom was worried about her pasta sauce, and whether or not I would eat it if she blended the veggies because I won’t eat it if it’s chunky. She blended it, it was edible, and I even ate the angel hair pasta with it. Mostly, however, I filled up on garlic toast.

Today is Canada Day, and there’s sunshine outside so far. Shawshank has the day off due to the holiday, but we have no plans to do anything. I’ll assume a human form and play some Just Dance then work on hair. Our local weather forecast is predicting some spotty showers and thunderstorms later, but we’ll see what actually happens.


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