bong bait worms

bong bait worms

Morning, ya’ll. We’re up; I spent the last hour with Pippin snuggled against my side. I felt Chaucer climb down from the be, so I assume he was snuggled near Shawshank. They’re both happier now that the back door is open.

One stop shopping for the best fishing trip EVER.

Yesterday, we enjoyed a day out of the house. Shawshank walked to Shady Acres for a vehicle, and we drove out to BiggerTown. It was a nice drive, everything is green again, and this year’s seeds are starting to pop up through the surface. We split up when we reached town. Shawshank went to the cell phone dealer’s shop to inquire about his current plan and check out upgrades. I walked over to the secondhand shop. I ended up with a nice vintage peignoir, a Victoria’s Secret bra, and a matched bra/panty set from Knotty. The undies are all brand new, and because of a promo, I got one bra for free.

When I finished, I walked to the other shop to meet up with Shawshank. They were fucking with phones, trying to transfer info. After a few hiccups, we were on our way to our next stops. Shawshank picked up a prescription for his mother, and we grabbed lunch on our way out. Once we made it back into town, Shawshank dropped me off at home, then returned the borrowed truck.

We got some food into us, then prepped a bit for the yard sale. Shawshank cleaned a lot of his clothes out of the closet. I went through a lot of my clothes a couple of months back, so I didn’t have much to add. Shawshank cleaned out some books, and I added a stack of my watercolor paintings. I spent the rest of the afternoon playing “Monster Hunter: Rise“. I knocked out a couple of quests for villagers, and upgraded some of my pets’ equipment. When it got closer to dinner time, I switched activities, and worked on the last of the glow-locs I started earlier this week. I don’t know what I was doing differently, but they were matting up much nicer yesterday, which made the crochet hook part of the process a little easier. While I haven’t finished them, I managed to get another four locs out of what I’d ordered. I can’t imagine what an entire head of them would look like. Probably amazing.

Today, we’re going out to Shady Acres for Sunday dinner.


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