Good morning, world. I’m up. I’m assuming Shawshank is up, because he’s not home. Chaucer is staring at me because I’m snuggled under the blanket, leaving nothing for him. Tough shit, kitty boy. I’m cold this morning.
It’s snowing. On Tuesday, Shawshank let me know his schedule changed because of Wednesday’s snow forecast. His boss lives outside of town, outside the realm of snowplow possibilities. If Wednesday’s snow got too bad, Shawshank was tasked with driving in to open the store on Thursday morning. It snowed all day yesterday, and we weren’t surprised when the boss texted to confirm she would not be attempting the Thursday morning drive.
Thus, Shawshank is at work this morning.
I beat Persona 5 Royal yesterday afternoon. I didn’t have much of an ending from it, as I had only maxed out one relationship with my confidants. But, I’m proud of myself for finishing a game, because I usually don’t. I finished :bg:, but only because I knew I had the sequel right behind it, but I never finished the second. I finished “Assassin’s Creed: Blag Flag” entirely by accident; I had no idea that it was the final boss until shit started. Even after playing Skyrim for a decade, I’ve never finished the main quest. Finishing feels too final. I’ll probably restart Persona 5 Royal and give it another play through, as there are a couple of story lines I want to see out.
He’s at work until the afternoon, and I’ll spend the rest of the morning dealing with Chaucer fighting over the blankie.