Hello, world. We’re up. It wasn’t a good morning, I’ve been awake since around 5.
Yesterday sucked. We made the decision to bring Chaucer to the vet. He was no longer the cat we’d said good night to the night before. I would write up a memorial post for him, but I just can’t right now. The Happy Hump Day mood was shattered. We spent the rest of the day puttering. I played a couple of hands of Balatro, then switched to Skyrim. I didn’t really have a goal in Skyrim, and “puttered” in-game by doing a couple of quest-like things. Eventually, I switched out to Balatro, which worked better with my attention span.
Shawshank made us ultra delicious bacon cheeseburgers with tater tots last night. We watched some bland TV, I mindlessly scrolled through Reddit and eventually we crashed.
Today can be better, please.