Happy Friday, y’all. Hopefully, all is good in your little corner of the world. We both had slightly restless sleeps; I woke up chilly and clammy, and Shawshank was dream-chatting just before I woke him up.

We had a good day off. We watched some TV, sloth-like on the couch. We made a trip out to the secondhand store, and I picked up a very large king-sized sheet. Shawshank went out to Shady Acres to help move heavy things. He brought home a pizza for dinner.
We joked last night that with the impending (potential) TikTok implosion I should do a #freethecheeks Friday like old times. I worry that would put my account at too much risk. For one, it’s considered a Canadian account, so the threatened US blackout wouldn’t/shouldn’t affect me. With the way the universe like to fuck with me, I’d play things fast and loose, TikTok goes nowhere, and my account gets banned anyway.
Shawshank‘s working tonight, and through the weekend. I think I’m going to do some crafty things today. I’ll with about the evening later.