Happy Thursday, my lovelies.
As predicted, it was a terribly slow day at work yesterday. DayTech‘s kids were home sick, having picked up what we were calling the “dance class plague” at the beginning of the week. DayTech was home for the day, which was fine because it would have felt even slower if she’d actually been in for her shift. There was absolutely no reason for me to have been there after NewTech came in at 4pm, but BossRPh wanted me to stay until 5pm, which meant sitting in traffic for an extra 15 minutes during a snow squall instead.

That’s fine, I totally wanted to be in a traffic standstill long enough to get a picture of Rhode Island’s most famous resident.
We both woke up to a loud banging at about 2am. All of the weather reports warned us about the dropping temperatures, but neither of us heard anything about the crazy winds. The winds had managed to get one of our front doors open and was attempting to rip it off the house. Apologies to anyone on our street passing by at just the wrong time and got to see the very naked man wrestling a door in gale force winds.
It’s bitterly cold out there today, and the winds are currently making it feel about -4°F right now. The cold will keep most of our business away, and I expect it’ll be another super boring shift. Since he has a probation meeting this morning, he’ll have the car for the day. I may not like having to wait, or getting home later than usual, but at least neither of us will be waiting outside for our ride.