best interruptions

best interruptions

Another year down the tubes.

We’re up. I don’t know what time I woke up. I felt Shawshank leave the bed at once point, I just tried to go back to sleep. I may have been successful, but who really knows. Sadly, I made the mistake of looking at my phone to see the time. At that point the entire idea of sleep disappeared.

Yesterday’s plans went off without much of a hitch. Shawshank left for work, and I found clothes for a photoshoot and put on the clown makeup. Since Shawshank had already turned on the heated mattress pad by that time, the bed was preheated. Pippin have me enough time to adjust the bedding, then took up her customary place, just out of camera view.

By the time I was finished, it was just about dinner time. I put on some more clothes and made some chicken nuggets. When I was properly fed, I fired up Clapper and had a dance party.

Since we’re old, all of our New Year’s Eve festivities are boring. We’re making bacon cheeseburgers, we’ll probably watch some TV and play some games. If we stay up until midnight, it’ll be a miracle.


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