being social

being social

Greetings and bleatings, my friends. The week is winding down, and things look pretty gloomy outside. Judging by the skies and a cursory glance at a weather report, I don’t think anything will improve.

Yesterday was another productive one. I assumed the human form, then set up the backdrop in the corner. After nearly a year of working on 🌶spicy content🌶, I’ve finally managed to figure out a proper “order of operations” when it comes to content creation. I don’t have a hard and fast list of steps. My main rule is “set up everything BEFORE you change clothes”. In the spring and summer, it wasn’t too much of a problem to run around, gathering props and setting up lighting in my skivvies. Alas, I’m North of the Wall.

Yesterday was a costume day, with me in a secondhand devil outfit, trying to create thematic holiday smut I took pics for an hour, recorded a couple of videos of my feet, then called it done. I put my clothes back on, and edited most of the pics before Shawshank came home. It feels weird to color correct and airbrush your smut while your significant other is sitting beside you, so I usually don’t do that. Don’t ask me to explain why, but watermarking things next to him is ok, for some reason.

“Smoke a big bowl, put on your game, go live, and be social“, he said as he left The Flat to go back to the shop.

More than double what I made in all of September.

I’ve been in a couple of creator-specific subs on Reddit since the beginning of the year. One of their most frequently asked questions is how and where to promote themselves. What’s best, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit?

It doesn’t matter. Being social, whether I’m being friendly or snarky, fucking pays off.

I don’t do a lot of promoting compared to other creators. I barely touch my Instragram account, once a week, I cross-post a TikTok poi video. Sometimes I post to Bluesky, but it’s very new to me and I haven’t found a groove yet. My spicy Twitter is complete bullshit, a daily post here and there, a picture every couple of days.

Being that it’s Reddit, most of the advice is geared towards posting there, with others suggesting Instagram and/or Twitter. I don’t promote on Reddit. There are way, way too many hoops to jump through to post on each subreddit, between verification, watermark, and rules regarding personal promotion. I barely have a handle on the promo shit I actually do, without adding multiple subreddits to that chaos.

Twitter has issues – they don’t take reports seriously, there’s an astounding amount of disinformation, catfishing, bots, and scams. The traffic is mostly consistent and in terms of content, anything goes. Instagram is tough as hell, for the opposite reasons. Their content filters are terrible and inconsistently applied. Larger accounts can post almost anything they’d like without repercussions, while smaller accounts can be and are shut down for fully-clothed mirror selfies. The algorithm focuses on videos over photos. You need weeks of regular video posts before you’ll start to see any traction on your account.

TikTok’s content filters are just as strict as Insta’s, and most creators accept the inevitable ban comes with the business. It’s an endless cycle of setting up new accounts, buying followers, and doing sexy live streams to entice new subscribers until TikTok bans the account. Repeat as needed. On rare occasions, you might read suggestions of “just go live and be friendly”, but that’s not what most of them do. Honestly, for most of them, it’s probably less work to be half naked and post thirst traps.

In my case, I work very hard to keep my TikTok pretty clean and not give the powers that be a reason to suspend streaming access. My videos don’t show anything you wouldn’t see at Walmart. I don’t sit there bra-less in a tee shirt, putting the camera focus on my tits. However, I’m barefoot, and I acknowledge the guys. Talking to them instead of immediately banning them is huge. They love it.

it's a graph, yo.
It’s obvious what time I was streaming on Wednesday afternoon.

Looking at my Fansly stats, you can tell what times I went live. There are huge spikes in traffic when I fire up a TikTok stream. More traffic, combined with my fucking stellar personality and attitude, brings more paying customers. At least four people have subbed since Monday, and all I’m doing is playing Skyrim and getting mouthy. I also got a request for a custom foot worship video, which means I have some research to do.

Today, I plan to finish watermarking the devil pics, then upload and schedule posts to go up for the next week or so. Let’s assume a human form, and maybe I’ll spend the afternoon being social.


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