Because “have fun storming the castle” would be too wholesome

Because “have fun storming the castle” would be too wholesome

Good morning, world. My coffee is not strong enough. I’m awake, but that’s about it. That’s all I’m promising anyone today.

Sloth day was excellent. We didn’t do anything. I edited some pictures from last week while we watched morning news and Switch game reviews on Youtube. Shawshank made us a delicious brunch, as is the Monday tradition. He ate a normal plate, I had two peanut butter and bacon sandwiches made with little dinner rolls and some potatoes. Even the cats were allowed some brunch. Cats can have a little bacon as a treat.

After Shawshank finished the dishes, he handed me a controller and started up AC: Rogue for me. He likes watching me run around and keeps an eye on baddies for me. I played all afternoon, with him hyping me up the whole time. I asked him later if he was bored, because I remember a time when we had Vice City on the PS2 and I don’t think there was anything I hated more than watching him play that fucking game. He told me that’s absolutely not the case, and he really does enjoy watching.

Today is Tuesday. I’ll be watching crime shows, and that’s really about it. The Roomba is doing its thing, the cats are sleeping. I need to assume a human form. I plan to load up the tub with LED toys and shit at some point. Aside from my failed live stream, I skipped the bathtub fun last week. I need to get some pics and/or video for the week.


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