Back to Work, Again.

Back to Work, Again.

Good morning, my friends. ☕

We had a good weekend. All the shopping got finished on Saturday, and there was no need to leave the house on Sunday. I didn’t get dressed, preferring to lounge around in things I wouldn’t be caught wearing outside the confines of the house. The afternoon was spent playing a game of Talisman, which I lost. It wasn’t my first choice of games to buy, but I’m enjoying it a lot. We’re going to go back to the shop in a few weeks and grab something else, hopefully. The two of us are pretty introverted, and I don’t think we’ll be joining any gaming groups right away, but we’re working on doing more together than just binging Riverdale and watching movies.

It’s my early Monday, so no morning workout today, only extra coffee to get myself moving. I don’t think it’s an accident that my early Monday shifts are with BossRPh; she knows DayTech and I won’t willingly work the extra hours with StressedRPh. I’m hoping to leave a little early, since there’s a therapy appointment tonight and it’ll be cutting it a bit close if I leave at my normal time. Today’s his last therapy appointment before court, and between that and the upcoming holidays and everything they’re going to bring, I’m sure he’s got a lot to discuss.

Have a good start to the week, my friends. I’m hoping to make it a good one, and I hope yours is as well ❤️☕🌞


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