

Welcome to a gray Thursday. It’s not raining at they moment, but the weather jury is still out and the sky looks like things could go in any direction.

But… I’m awake. Whatever.

I had a better sleep. I think I wore myself out. Mom and I spent an hour in the yard. We cleared some brush off of the fence. I swore some of that shit is the only thing holding the fence up. However, the area we worked on was in good shape. I was in charge of pulling shit out of the ground and cutting stuff off the fence. Mom mostly grabbed stuff off the ground.

I also spent a little of the afternoon spinning poi in the back. There’s only one tree to create a little spot of shade. Under that tree is my “drilling spot”. Low branches force me to pay attention to form. The heat usually forces me inside after about 30 minutes. I spent an hour or so on the front walk after dinner, when it was dark and cooler. I had an audience in the front. The people across the street came home shortly after I had started. I think they went inside long enough to drop whatever they had in their hands, then watched from behind the shrubs walling in their patio.

So that was new

Today, we might have a doctor’s appointment for Mom. She had some of her regular GI issues last weekend, but worse. Based on the rest of us in the house over the last week, we’re pretty sure Brian’s mom cooked us something bad starting late last week – when company first arrived and we were invited over. We’re hopefully going to the pain doctor today, which she definitely needs.


  1. Yay an audience! Lol. You brought joy and wonderment to the old people of Florida! You’re a happiness ambassador!

    • crystal

      They’re about our age 😂

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