Atrocities of War

Atrocities of War

Good morning, world. I woke up to sunshine and thunder. The sun is getting brighter, but yet, the thunder is getting more frequent. I don’t claim to understand. This sort of thing can be explained with a simple “you live in Florida”.

Remember yesterday, when I bragged about how nice the terrariums were doing? Yeah, about that. I decided I wanted to add a little water to the Apothecarium and tackle the algae, but something didn’t look right on one section of glass.

The shit looks too uniform to be algae.

Fearing yet another Snail Uprising, I plugged in the microscope to figure out what it might be.

I’m pretty sure a batch of soil mites happened to hatch close to the glass. Instead of spreading out in the substrate, they’ve spread upward. That’s not going to stop me from committing mass genocide in there today. I wanted to clean that glass anyway.

Oh, and I found three more snails. Two have been removed and put outside already. I confirmed the existence of the third after my nightly call to Shawshank, but it was nearly midnight. At that point, I wasn’t going to unlock the house to put out a snail. Plus, I wanted to see if it would eat some mites.

UPDATE: five minutes after Mom puts in a load of wash, the skies have opened up and it’s pouring.


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