apathy entropy empathy ecstasy

apathy entropy empathy ecstasy

Hello, world. It’s Saturday, and so far I’m up and existing and doing all that bullshit that goes along with one waking up. The sun is up, Mom has a load of clothes in the washer. I’m fluttering between two windows and three tabs. It’s one of those mornings.

Yesterday wasn’t bad. I mailed out a painting, and then we went to the dollar store to buy sympathy cards. Mom got us lost trying to find Lowes. For the most part, it was sunny out. As forecast, there were thunderstorms. We stood on the front patio and watched as the edge of the front came through.

And regardless of the state of the skies, it was hot. It’s always hot. The temp dropped about 15°🦅 in ten minutes as the storm rushed in. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the way the storms feel down here. It’s an odd feeling of alive-ness.

Most of the rain had blown through by the time we came home from the buffet. The heat kept me inside most of the afternoon, preventing me from spinning poi. However, eventually I decided to go out. I grabbed the sticks and slipped out the front door, and the shuffle gods blessed me with a good playlist.

The spin time was amazing. I haven’t had a good flow like that in a while. I’m debating whether to pack a set up to bring north. The trip is only a couple of days, but I might need the mental release at some point.

Today’s the regular Saturday bullshit. We’ve got a trip to Walmart. I need to find something somewhat presentable to wear to the wake and/or funeral next week. I also need to pack my stuff for the flight out tomorrow morning.



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