Another Trip to Home Depot

Another Trip to Home Depot

First, it’s Sunday. It’s sunny. A new set of emergency poi are coming via Amazon. I’m hopeful that the day will be good.

Second, and more importantly, THE DISPLAY CASE IS GONE. It wasn’t nearly as difficult to sell as the fucking Christmas tree*. Selling something big and expensive is always a complete bitch. I price things higher because I know everyone wants to negotiate down. Unfortunately, there’s a fine line between a price that’s low enough to attract attention, but still high enough for me to haggle a good price out of it.

It wasn’t a bad day.

I hit the grocery store and picked up a few things I needed. I finally ran out of a chicken, so that was the big purchase. Tomorrow is Canadian Thanksgiving, and Shawshank suggested I make a mini Thanksgiving dinner for myself. I bought some gravy and cranberries to go with my turkey meatballs. I don’t know whether I’ll make a tiny pan of cranberry stuffing. Unfortunately, I forgot to pick up milk.

For the first time since Shawshank left the facility, I had a proper #selfcaresaturday. I sat in the tub, had myself a hot bubble bath with a cupcake and an alcoholic beverage. Shawshank and I video chatted and talked about movies and poi and funny videos.

Today, I’ll make a quick trip up to Home Depot to buy some quick setting concrete to repair my front steps. That’ll be fun, and I can get milk while I’m out. I’ll have plenty of time between working on the steps to do things like the laundry and photographing the last of the Lego.

* Yes, I know no one wants to buy a damned Christmas tree in the middle of Spring/Summer.

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