another interview down

another interview down

Good morning, and welcome to my slice of the internet. The panhandle is gray. I woke up to a thunderstorm. I wasn’t expecting thunder, so waking up to it had me perplexed for a moment. The skies should clear up as the day continues. Not that I can complain, it’s not as though I have a jam-packed social schedule.

I’m making a small list of stuff I need to pick up in Walmart today. My new microscope should be delivered today, along with the new fryer basket for the oven. Unfortunately, I’ll need to buy an adapter before I can connect it to my phone. On a good note, I realized this before the microscope arrived. We all know how much of a tantrum I would have if I couldn’t play with the new toy immediately.


Yesterday’s interview went ok, after a few hiccups. My interview cubby was all set up, and I had Microsoft Teams installed and working, and I was a couple of minutes early logging in. Then the universe threw us a curve ball, and my audio input wasn’t working. Earbuds or not, no microphone. I could hear my interviewer, so she asked if she could call. I gave her a thumbs up, we disconnected the video chat, and she called me instead.

Aside from that snafu, the interview was ok. We went over the basic info of the position. She asked if I had applied for full time or part time. “Honestly, I’ve applied to every job listing this company has put up online over the last two months, as long as it wasn’t management”, I replied. “When I got your email, I joked this was either an interview or an intervention.”

Surprisingly, she didn’t ask me a lot about my skills or anything typical of interviews. She commented about my resume, and how much overlap in skills between retail pharmacy and the medical marijuana dispo business. However, she said she didn’t want to rehash that stuff. Instead, she wanted to know about who I am. She commented about the yearlong gap between leaving the pharmacy and returning to work, and my move south. Neither was brought up in a way that made me feel like those factors were necessarily bad and would put me out of the running. By the end of the call, she told me she was sending my name to the store managers, and I could expect a call on Monday or Tuesday to set up a day to come in for a face to face meeting with the store.

I spent the rest of the day lightly toasted, and then spun poi to Portishead after dinner.

The big poi are heavier than the pods, and their tethers are a slightly different length. Between wintering north of The Wall, colder weather here, and repair time, I haven’t actually done anything with them since November of last year. I have to get used to spinning them all over again. Plus, I want to adjust their length, which is a whole other thing. Unfortunately, I’ve yet to figure out a way to do wrist wraps with them that doesn’t leave me absolutely battered.

Maybe I’ll spend the day sketching. I can hope.

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