looks like another day of HGTV ready to make me feel bad about my bedroom

looks like another day of HGTV ready to make me feel bad about my bedroom

Bonjour. I hope you’re having a good day. It’s Sunday, if you’re not aware. Unless you’re stumbling upon this post some other day in the future. In that case, there’s still a 1 in 7 chance that it’s actually Sunday.

The odds aren’t good after today.

Yesterday’s shopping was a little shorter than usual. I walked around and grabbed the stuff I needed – only forgot one thing this time – and another $5 dress. The dress has unicorns printed on it. And pockets.

Aside from the shopping, I did absolutely fuck all. Nothing. NADA. I played with my lizard wizard.

I haven’t played a magic user in a game since our WoW days. Even back then, the mage wasn’t my main. Yesterday, I wrote that this would probably be some sort of magic-using assassin. I haven’t found an appropriate weapon that does more damage than a well-placed lightning bolt. Sometimes, I just make people run away.

Today, I might perform some terrarium maintenance. Vault 5 needs a wipe down. I think we’re going to the Compound for dinner, if they’re back from their camping trip. I haven’t been outside for anything spinny lately due to an ear injury that’s preventing me from wearing my earbuds, but I may try something later in the day. I need to find something to amuse myself today


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