another day, another jar, another interview

another day, another jar, another interview

Happy Humpday, world. We have fog here, creeping over the neighborhood, and everything looks all spooky outside. There could be anything lurking out there. This is Florida, after all.

Yesterday’s rain sucked. I don’t like being stuck in the house all day. For the most part, all I did was sit in my chair and scroll through Reddit and Discord. I received an email from another place I’d applied to, wanting to set up a phone interview. This was a job I was very hesitant to apply for, as it’s a supervisory position. According to the job listing, I have (almost) everything they want, aside from a degree. I was worried about my lack of “leadership” experience more than anything else when I applied for the position. However, yesterday I remembered I did work as a supervisor: 25 years ago, in a snack bar. I supervised a handful of high schoolers (I was ~20 at the time). Suck it, impostor syndrome. The interview is tomorrow afternoon.

I did some basic terrarium maintenance and cleaned the inside surface of the jars. The snails leave piles of snail shit all over the glass.

There’s a lot of stuff happening in the jars.

  • Teensicola‘s second attempt at a totally native terrarium is looking… alive. I think I put a little of everything inside it, mostly ferns and pennywort. Maybe some ivy? The snail is still alive, and at least one ant is still inside.
  • The Apothecary is just a straight up fungal shitshow right now. At the same time, there’s a lot of stuff still alive. I know there’s a snail inside; I see the trails in the condensation, but rarely see the snail itself. The pennywort is going insane, about half of the ivy is dying, and the weird plant with the purple fur is still holding on.
  • Terra 3 – the largest of the bunch – is mostly ivy and ferns. The ivy came from Mom‘s garden. It’s absolutely grabby and trying to grasp at anything it possibly can reach. Since everything is out of reach right now, one vine is firing out little white roots in every direction. You can see them in the last pictures. Eventually, I expect it to pull the branch into its creepy little hands.
  • The new jar is only a couple of days old, so there’s nothing really happening. There’s a snail, some ferns, and some more of Mom’s variegated ivy.

I ordered a “cleanup crew” on Monday afternoon. I’ve told Mom I’m expecting some “bioactive enzymes” in the mail. They’ll be here either Thursday or Friday. Thankfully, the weather isn’t supposed to be too hot or cold, so I think they’ll arrive in good shape. I’ll split it up among the four jars, and hope for the best. They’ll have plenty to eat in the Apothecary, that’s for sure.

We’re going to the Compound for dinner tonight and tomorrow. I guess there’s family in town. Either way, mom gets two nights reprieve from the kitchen. I’ll bring my vape and hide in the yard or bathroom if I need to.


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