And I knew, without askin’, she was into the blues

And I knew, without askin’, she was into the blues

Yo. It’s Tuesday. The sun’s up, there’s garbage trucks out and about, and it’s time to get moving. I’ve been awake for a bit. I don’t know when I woke up, or how many times, but the last time was around 6-ish. Chaucer snuggled. Shawshank snuggled. I scrolled through my phone.

Our Sloth Day was sloth-y. Shawshank made us an excellent brunch, as usual. He had eggs and hash browns, I had waffles, and we both had bacon. There was some Tears of The Kingdom in the morning. For a change of pace, he put on Raiders of the Lost Ark in the afternoon. Fun fact: I fucking love the Indiana Jones movies*, and was ranked in the top 10% or something in the topic on some trivia app about 10 years ago. I put my phone down and enjoyed the movie. We watched Temple of Doom after, and agree it’s the weakest in the series. It’s fun, but compared to Raiders, ToD feels like a rough draft. Shawshank and I discussed John Williams’s music and my opinion that he plagiarizes himself.

I mostly sat.

Shawshank is back to work this morning, with a possibility of leaving early. The vacuum will pop out from its hiding spot under the TV as he’s walking to the shop. If Shawshank finishes by lunch, we’re going out to Slightly BiggerTown to check out their thrift store and go to the dispo. Either way, I’m going to assume my human shape and take some pics.

* Yes, even Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Especially Crystal Skull.


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