An adultier adult

An adultier adult

Good morning, and happy Sunday. I actually got some sleep last night, for a change. After the last couple of nights, it was a well-deserved rest. My only interruption was waking up and needing to blow my nose. Since the breaking news here is that Rhode Island just got its first case of Corona virus, I’m hoping the clogged nose is an early symptom for me. Maybe I’ve got it and I can spend more time in bed, simply existing.

A friend told me she’s been admiring my resourcefulness and resilience facing everything I’m dealing with. I thanked her, but admitted it’s just an act. The truth is, I have no idea what I’m doing. I feel like I’m wasting time planning when I should be doing. Work keeps my mind occupied. When I’m at home, I waffle between wondering exactly what the fuck I should be doing and endlessly researching and planning. Yesterday, I wrote three pages of lists in my book.

I need an adult.

I don’t know where I’m supposed to start. Should I be clearing things out and cleaning? Should I be looking for transportation? The spare room is the worst, but I can’t clear it until I know what clothes he wants kept. Once I figure out exactly what I’m dealing with money-wise, then I can decide on transportation.

But that decision comes with a whole host of its own issues. Do I buy a tiny camper? Maybe a a cargo trailer, insulate it and and install a window? How about getting a vehicle upgrade and popping a rooftop tent on it? I could probably build a platform to put in the back of a smaller SUV and pop a mattress on top of it, put stuff under the platform and figure out what to do with the cats from there. I’ve seen some nice car/truck tents, but they don’t look very cat-proof.

Plans for today involve house keeping. I have some dishes to do, and I’ve already got the laundry in the wash. I’m to box up his Warhammer things; his painted squad got boxed up yesterday. Boxing up his stuff will clear off a large part of the kitchen table. I’m going to go through a lot of my makeup as well, and that will clear out the toolbox to eventually sell.

Most of all, I’m keeping myself occupied before I can get up to see him this afternoon.


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