Almost the Weekend

Almost the Weekend

It was another shitty sleep.

The wind was crazy and was blowing the curtains around again. I think it spooked the cats about an hour after I went to bed. They proceeded to have a spat that rambled through both floors of the house. Hissing and yowling were involved. I took a long time to fall asleep again, only to wake up a couple of hours later. There was no fighting this time, but the wind was still pretty wild, and I was cold.

Most of yesterday wasn’t too bad. StressedRPh and I handled the morning pretty well. She left in the afternoon, but not before she gave Capt. Useless an earful about helping customers. The phones are still down; it’s apparently a known issue.

It’s difficult to care anymore.

On the downside, I got a phone call from the junk haulers. They let me know there’s an additional fee for mattresses – $70 for each mattress and box spring. That’s an extra $210 on top of the regular fee. They say it’s what the landfill charges them; a quick check of the local landfill’s mattress policy is $16 each.

However, after six months of trying, I finally sold the fake Christmas tree.

I took a $25 loss on it, but I don’t need to deal with it anymore. The dude that bought it was happy.

Additionally, someone new is interested in the glass display case. There was some negotiations involved; she wanted a lower price and wanted to trade some board games and books. I told her I’m selling things because I don’t want stuff, not to acquire more stuff. Then she asked when I was available for her to come get it. I told her either last night after work or this morning. She replied at around 2am, she can come after 3pm today. Girl, that wasn’t one of the options.

Now, it’s time for a workout. It’s Thursday, which means I work late. I emailed a second company to ask about mattress disposal, hopefully I’ll get a better quote. I’ll have a mac and cheese dinner when I get home, and hopefully have a good shift.

Enjoy your Thursday.


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