Hello, world. We have the usual coffee and cats and news. We got planes in the Potomac. Chaucer is pacing, searching for the most perfect spot to hork up his breakfast.

I worked on Vest 2.0 for a while yesterday. I had a couple of alterations to finish, which didn’t take too long. Then the fun began, because I had to pin the two layers together. I am not precise, so each layer is slightly different, which means I need to sort of finagle shit together. If I had been thinking properly at the time I initially cut the pieces, I would have attempted to cut all the fabric at the same time. Doing so would ensure each piece might have perfectly matched with its twin on the other layer, so things would have fit together more easily. At the same time, my rotary cutter has a dull spot and I don’t imagine it would easily cut through four layers of fabric.
In the end, a couple of oddball, mismatched edges didn’t matter too much. I made several attempts to pin the two sides, as I kept putting them on the body the wrong way. The only things left to do is closing up the arm holes and the spot I left open to turn it right side out, and some top stitching to keep it looking nice. While I initially planned for a snap closure, I’m going to sew some little hook & eye clasps along the front.
Shawshank has today off. I think it’ll be a low-key kind of day. We need to bring a big box out to Shady Acres, and maybe go out to the thrift store. I’m sure there will be plenty of gaming on the Switch in between.