all things pink

all things pink

In the world of smut, it’s Wagon Wednesday, In the regular world, it’s Wednesday.

I feel like Shawshank‘s afternoon shifts confuse the cats. And me. I can’t figure out what time to put clothes on. They’ll adjust. We all will. We’re creatures of habit. I’ve always dressed after he leaves for work. When I do it now, though, it’s weird and lazy. It doesn’t help that I feel like putting on real clothes before he leaves, only to change clothes a few times if I’m shooting content, is pointless as fuck.

I’ve already been productive this morning, and edited some pics before the alarm went off. Most of what I shot on Monday was dealt with the same day. I handled about 80% of Monday’s pics on Monday. The remaining 20% went through Photoshop last night while I was in the bath. But of course, I made bath content, which I added to the pile o’ files to edit. Unfortunately, I was up early this morning, but I occupied my time editing what needed to be edited, then watermarking everything.

I stashed everything in the spank bank this morning. Later today, I’ll smoke a big bowl and sit down for my favorite thing in the world: scheduling posts. I don’t know why I enjoy doing that so much, but it tickles my little neurospicy brain in the most delightful way.

Aside from the smut maintenance, today will be pretty low key. I plan to make a batch of waffles this afternoon, otherwise this weekend’s brunch will be disappointing. We’ll see if Shawshank‘s old boss texts to ask me about updating prices on the shop. I’ll do it if she asks, but I’m not offering to do it, it’s an hour of absolutely mind numbing bullshit.


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