ain’t no sunshine

ain’t no sunshine

I think the alarm woke me up, but it could have been the thunder. Who knows? Either way, I’m up, and there’s thunder. No rain – yet.

Hold up. There’s the rain just now.

I’m drinking water this morning. I drank water all day yesterday as well. Mom questioned me about it this morning. However, the fact is that Tuesday I lost pretty much every bit of moisture in my body through almost every orifice in my body except my ears. I’m still trying to get it back. I briefly considered making a trip out to one of the local drip bars.

I spent most of yesterday in my chair, wearing what I like to call “stealth jammies”: stretchy leggings and a light sweatshirt. I knew I wasn’t going anywhere, so there was no point in putting on real clothes. Instead, I read my book and alternated scrolling through TikTok and some of the TL;DR versions of Tuesday’s J6 hearing.

I went outside after dinner to see the toads. They were waiting for me on the path. Brian says they miss me; I haven’t gotten any spin time since Sunday or Monday.

Since today looks like more of the same weather bullshit, I’ll find more comfy clothes and slog through more of the book, maybe work on some art.


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