ai ochii

ai ochii

Hello, people. We’ve made it to Thursday. I know it’s Thursday (and not Wednesday), because I just had to check my calendar. New weather has moved in overnight. Alberta’s smoke might still be out there, but we’d never know with the cloud cover.

I think I’ve worked some of the kinks out of my streaming problems. For about a week now, I’ve had nothing but issues with my network connection during TikTok streams. I thought it had something to do with the severe thunderstorms around the area. Maybe a popup tornado somewhere around Slightly BiggerTown took out something important in the middle of some guy’s cow pasture? Unfortunately, I think it had everything to do with my screen mirroring. Prairie wifi doesn’t understand or appreciate how much bandwidth I need between all the shit I have running.

  • Pixel 6 in the tripod, uploading to TikTok and casting the screen via Airdroid Cast
  • Chromebook, receiving the Pixel 6’s stream via Airdroid
  • Pixel 4 streaming music
  • Bluetooth speaker connected to the Pixel 4

I’ve been casting* the stream to the Chromebook so I can actually read comments that come in. It’s one thing to sit down in front of the camera for some sort of quasi-“get ready with me” bullshit, when the camera is literally right over my mirror. However, I can’t read the comments during the poi streams. The phone is way over there, yo. I don’t think you understand how small that font really is. Not even my prescribed-by-an-actual-doctor glasses could make that shit visible from where I’m standing. Fuck, I can’t even really make out the little stream connection status, which is color-coded for easy visibility.

While everything was fine for a while, I’m pretty sure the last Airdroid update is what fucked everything up. There was a software update the same day as the storms, and it’s been a problem ever since. As soon as I shut off Airdroid, everything cleared up. We just can’t have nice things, apparently.

We’re still taking turns with Tears of The Kingdom. I spent all of Friday through Monday taking turns with Shawshank, but feeling like I wasn’t getting the chance to play as much as he did. The last two days, I’ve played a little before lunch, and a little more after. On top of the alone time, I’ve been able to play a little after Shawshank has a turn. He came home last night and I pretty much immediately launched a rundown of everything I’d discovered while he was at work. We compared maps and quests yesterday, and it looks like we’ve both gone in opposite directions in the map again. He’s still focusing on opening up the map and finding shrines. I’m just out there finding holes to jump in.

I figure today will be the usual bullshit.

* I’m casting because I have yet to get this shit to mirror via USB. I don’t need to control shit, just see shit. If anyone has a link to a tutorial that actually works to connect a Pixel 6 to a Chromebook so I can see the screen, that’d be great.


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