Again with the bags?

Again with the bags?

Good morning, world. Today is Wednesday, and I want to go out.

I had an ok sleep. Most nights, I pass out just after disconnecting from Shawshank. Sometimes, I might stay up a little and finish reading whatever piqued my interest while we chatted. However, that’s pretty rare. Most nights, both cats are in bed with me, pressuring me to lay down with them. I usually want sleep more than anything.

Mom is doing her own version of The Great Sort, and is going through all the closets and dressers. I want to go through the clothes in the the truck. At this point, some of what’s in there is winter stuff, and I probably won’t get rid of much of that. But, there’s some stuff in there that can definitely go. Fuck, there’s probably stuff in the house that can go out.

And damn it, it’ll go out. I just need it to stop raining long enough for me to stand in the driveway for an hour or so. Oh, and that dry period of time can’t interfere with poi or a workout.

I’m determined to fill at least one bag. Mom assured me there’s no rush, and this week’s shit weather won’t be a problem. Since we can’t bring the donation until next week, the bags are piling up. It’s reminiscent of the last year at Chez Chicky.

If it doesn’t rain this afternoon, I’ll start on the stuff in the truck. Mom is going to clean a friend’s house. I’m going to go out for a little while, run since minor errands, and then do a workout without an audience.

Have a good Wednesday, my friends.


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