Advice for Job Seekers

Advice for Job Seekers

Good morning, world. I hope you’ve grabbed Wednesday by the short and curlies. I come to you this morning with two pieces of advice that you absolutely shouldn’t take from me, because I’m a sucky human.

Life pro tip #1: If you want a company to email you – any company – bitch into the void about how no one wants to interview you.

Obviously, neither of my two recent interviews has panned out. Company 1 flaked on an interview once before actually talking to me. Company 2, which I thought I’d fucking nailed, would have called a week ago if they wanted me to come in for a sit down. Yesterday afternoon, I received an email from another dispo asking if I was available for an interview this week. Yay!

This also is an excellent segue into my next tip,

Life pro tip #2: Keep applying to the same company over and over again and eventually they’ll get in touch, even if it’s with a restraining order.

I kid.

Sort of.

Company 3 is another dispo down here. They almost always have positions listed online. Sites like Indeed make it stupidly easy to fire off an application when something new is posted. I’ve literally applied to this company at least four times. Every single time they post a listing, I apply. Full time, part time, associate or supervisor, I don’t give a shit. As long as it’s not a management position, I click that shiny blue APPLY NOW button. They emailed me yesterday to set up a phone interview. At least, they’ve told me it’s an interview.

It could be an intervention.

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