advancing the story

advancing the story

Good morning. The week started off with blue skies and sunshine and a rumble of diesel. I didn’t look at the time when I woke up, I just realigned the headphones over my earholes and enjoyed some music. When I finally looked at the clock, there wasn’t much time before the alarm would go off. I pet Chaucer while I checked out some overnight news while we waited for Shawshank to wake up.

We spent yesterday being fucking lazy. Shawshank made us our regularly scheduled brunch while I played Witcher on the Switch. I advanced some of the storyline for the first time in over a year. After a few hours, I gave him the controller and he played Tears of The Kingdom for a while. I downloaded some recent TikTok streams and edited some videos.

We’re going out on an adventure today. Shawshank needs to make a delivery for work, and rather than bring along the little old man who normally helps, he invited me instead. He also suggested I wear normal pants. Funsucker.


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