Good afternoon, mes amis. The house is currently lovely and clean. Agent came over this afternoon and took some pictures of inside and out. We have one form to finish, then it’s up for sale Monday morning. She says she’s optimistic; there’s only a handful of similar places in this low of a price range.
I’ve pretty much given my notice at work. If I stay after the new year, it looks like I’ll lose about 25 hours of vacation time that I would otherwise be able to take with me. I’ll have to do it in writing, but it looks like I’ll probably have my last day be Christmas Eve. That will give StressedRPh a month to hire someone. Unfortunately, DayTech is on vacation the week after Christmas. Poor StressedRPh will be going bonkers trying to hire someone and cover DayTech’s shifts.
I spent the entire morning and early afternoon cleaning everything up. I even put out our flag. Now I just need to keep things nice.
The rest of the day will be spent relaxing. The hardest things are done.