Acer’s support site is fucking trash and I’m going to rant about it.

Acer’s support site is fucking trash and I’m going to rant about it.

Good morning, interweblings. I’m waiting for the rain to start. We have a dreary day, with gray skies, but the air doesn’t have the pre-rain feel to it just yet. We’ll see what the rest of the day brings, but for the moment, I’m on a fucking tear.

Yesterday, I filed a request for some repairs on my Chromebook. The screen is glitching out like mad. This is fucking ridiculous. It never came up in any of the reviews I read, probably because it’s not one of those things that crops up immediately out of the box. I can type, and scroll through Reddit or Discord and whatnot, but ….

We’ll see how terrible it is to watch Netflix this morning.

Unfortunately, Acer’s website fucking sucks when it comes to entering support requests. Some of their pages are just as fucky as my screen. I had more trouble with form validation than anything else. Chrome autofills my address, and the system is hung up on the fact that I typed FL rather than selecting it from the dropdown. Entering my personal info and submitting it, a dire warning pops up about not validating my address. There’s no indication of a second validation, just a popup yelling THIS ADDRESS HASN’T BEEN VERIFIED. DO YOU WANT TO VALIDATE OR OVERRIDE. The address is the same, just capitalized.

When you reach the final section of the form – the part with the SUBMIT button and a CAPTCHA – you’re given a message that says “Thank you for submitting your request, we’ll contact you, etc, etc.” That doesn’t work though, because by the time I’ve typed up a quick description of the problem and actually submitted the form, my CAPTCHA has expired. However, the page is thanking me, and there’s so many other hiccups, I figure a random CAPTHA glitch is par for the course and go about my Tuesday.

Thankfully, the machine is still under warranty. This morning, I still hadn’t received an email from Acer about my request, not even an email confirmation. I went to their support page to check my ticket.

There was no ticket.

But…. the page said it was submitted. YOU FUCKING THANKED ME FOR MY SUBMISSION.

So I did everything all over again this morning. This time around, I only went through everything twice before I could actually submit the form because the CAPTCHA kept expiring. The only thing that fixes it is reloading and racing to beat the CAPTCHA clock.

I eventually beat the clock, but it took two tries. I had to copy/paste the description of the problem in order to have enough time. Now I just need to find a box and buy a shit-ton of bubble wrap.


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