
Good morning, y’all. It’s a sunny Thursday morning in TinyTown, and the kitties are enjoying a breezy morning in their window. Shawshank has today off so I let him sleep in a bit. I’ve been awake and scrolling through the various social media this morning. I hit the regular dumpster fires on Reddit and TikTok, replied to a spank bank subscriber, and finally culminated with the morning smut dump on Twitter. Go me.

I finished off the first bag of pink hair yesterday, bringing me a bit closer to being done with the whole batch. I’m going to take a break from matting another bag right away, and work on sealing what I’ve started. I know my iron won’t handle sealing the entire batch in one go. After an hour or so of use, the iron will start violently protesting by vomiting water all over whatever I’m working on. The more I do now, the less downtime I’ll have during the sealing process.

He’s got today off, and we plan to chill. We’re going to go out and buy some cereal for Shawshank, and some nuggets for dinner. Since it’s Thursday, the secondhand shop will be open. We’re going to see what sort of shit we don’t need but might want.


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