a murder most foul

a murder most foul

Good morning, world. Happy Thursday. We’re up and doing the things. The outside world still has an overall look of potential “shit falling from the sky”. Much of yesterday carried the same look; I looked outside several times and had to wonder if the puddles were due to rain or snow melt. The weather forecast said there’s a chance we might see some wintry mix.

We both had decent days yesterday. I streamed a shower to an empty chat. I took some spicy pictures. After lunch, I edited and uploaded the content. I made myself a mug of hot coca made with my homemade canna-milk, which was damned delicious. Shortly thereafter, I succumbed to the need for the shot of dopamine afforded by being an attention whore. I loaded up TikTok for a live stream, although I’m fairly certain the cocoa killed my coordination.

Shawshank came home while I was starting to cook dinner. He surprised me with a swatch of a very … loud upholstery fabric. “Is this an accurate representation of your brain at any given time?” he asked.

I feel personally attacked.

I made us a meal of crispy chicken with pasta and alfredo sauce. I overestimated how much pasta I wanted to eat, as usual. However, the chicken was hella yummy.

My afternoon of spin time had left me unexpectedly sore, and Shawshank stuck me in a hot bath to soak for an hour. When I came out, we watched more CSI. Between the tech and the wardrobe, I love how each episode is a ridiculous little time capsule.

Later, for whatever reason*, Shawshank said something about CSI: Miami and what it would be like if David Caruso was replaced with Ian McKellen. Imagine Gandalf playing Horatio. Within two, maybe three tweaks of the initial prompt, I had a fucking masterpiece.

I feel like today will be a lot of the same. The new Legend of Zelda trailer dropped this morning, and I’m sure we’ll end up watching a bunch of analyses of it later. Shawshank will come home at lunch, we’ll discuss dinner, and I’ll spend the afternoon being a whore. Except no canna-cocoa.

* Listen, we all know what the reason was. We were baked like beans.


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