Good morning, world. It’s Hump Day. I’m up. Chaucer is loafed on the pirate chest, and Pippin is on top of the fridge watching Tiny town wake up. It’s looking pretty overcast outside this morning; I guess we can’t have sunshine every day. Even if we did, the wind would keep us inside, unable to do any of the fun outdoor things.

I wasn’t as productive as I wanted to be yesterday, I really wasn’t in the mood for existing. I had an idea for a photo shoot over the weekend, but wasn’t thinking about that when I did my makeup in the morning. Since the makeup is integral to the whole aesthetic of this shoot, I set a phone alert to remind me to do it properly today. I also managed to find all the bits of clothing I wanted to use, and added notes about that to the alert. Then, just for good measure, I added a similar reminder for another possible shoot on Thursday.
I ordered another batch of braiding hair a couple of weeks ago, after the yard sale. Shawshank ran into the post office to grab it on our way to the secondhand shop yesterday. I was, you might say, overzealous. Both of us were impressed with the size of the shipping bag. I ordered eleven bags of glow hair. ELEVEN. They arrived in a package the size of a very plump throw pillow. The pink is not quite what I imagined for my “vaporwave” color scheme, it’s much more watermelon than neon pink. But, it glows orange in the dark, and it’ll go with all the other colors I have. I have work to do.
Alrighty. It’s time to do some makeup. Let’s get this fucking day started.