Greetings and salutations, my loves. Today is Monday, and we’re kicking it on the couch. The sun is up, but the skies are overcast. According to Shawshank, there’s still a breeze, but the wind has died off considerably. At least it’s not snowing again.
Compared to yesterday, this is pretty nice.
We didn’t leave the house at all yesterday. It wasn’t worth waiting until 10am to buy some oil and go shopping in Slightly BiggerTown. Instead, we made a pot of tea, stayed on the couch and watched TV all day. We finished LoTR: Rings of Power, watched a bunch of Law & Order, and finished up the day with some Letterkenny.

I got out of bed about two minutes before the alarm went off. I’d been up earlier, but had been trying to stay in bed (ie. willing my bodily functions to cease with their morning routine). I knew if I got out of bed and did what I needed to do, I would be too awake to go back into bed. Once I gave in to the bodily functions and emerged from my cocoon, I could actually see what time it was. I figured the alarm would go off momentarily, so I finished dressing. Then, I did my business, expecting the alarm to go off while I was in the bathroom. It didn’t, but since I was awake and dressed, there was no sense in going back into bed.
About five minutes later, Shawshank came out and reminded me I suggested we sleep in and not set the alarm.
Because it’s Monday, Shawshank isn’t working today. His plan is to walk up to the farm store to see if they’ve got some oil for the truck. If so, we’ll drive up the road to buy some basics for the week here in TinyTown. We’ve got stuff here, and if we’re lucky we don’t need to go out of town this week. Additionally, we have our new Monday afternoon routine. He’ll watch the latest Critical Role on TV, and I’ll get baked and play something on the Switch.