Wake me up when November ends

Wake me up when November ends

Hello, Tuesday. We’re up. We’ve/I’ve been up. I woke up around 5am, which is pretty much normal for me right now. Shawshank was restless from around 6am onward. Pippin popped up on the bed a couple of times, but she’s tiny and light and quiet. Chaucer has been sleeping in the living room lately. I think now that he’s more comfortable here, it’s easier for him to sleep out there. Rather than launch himself up into the tall bed with us, he sleeps on the couch or the poofy-cube. I feel him on the bed in the mornings sometimes.

Our low-key Halloween went off without a hitch. We watched a few shows, and walked up to TinyTown‘s grocery store. The little Asian woman at the register asked Shawshank if I was his girlfriend. She’s never spoken more than two words to him in the time he’s lived here. He blew her mind introducing me as his wife. As we walked home, Shawshank told me to stay on her good side; she and her family own the store and will ban people for even the slightest offense.

We didn’t hand out any candy last night. I’m always too cold. I didn’t want to deal with opening the door and scaring Chaucer 15 times. We saw some costumes from the back steps. That was enough for us. Unfortunately, we didn’t manage to watch Rocky Horror, as is our usual tradition. We watched some Netflix instead, and just cuddled on the couch. I’ll have to add the DVD to my wishlist.

For the record, Earthstorm is hella interesting.

Shawshank goes back to work today. The skies are pretty grey at the moment, but today and tomorrow might be the only days I’ll be able to have some outdoor spin time. Aside from that, I’ll wash the bedding. Shawshank suggested I dust the Warhammer 40k minis and their shelves. Doing that would let me see what’s finished and what still needs work. And then…. I can finish things.


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