Good morning, it’s Friday, which makes it a good day already. Not only that, but StressedRPh is off training: double good. I’m working normal hours, so I’ve been able to do a workout already. I thought I’d done some damage during Wednesday’s workout, when I did something stupid with a dumbbell. Happily, I can say things in my arm are just fine.
My shift is with a fill-in pharmacist who doesn’t suck too much. As an added bonus, it doesn’t look like I’m going to have to do anymore off-site training for the new system. I’ve finished my computer training mods. Having been through major system overhauls before, I know there’s no way to prepare for everything. The things that will be the most trouble are the things that don’t happen often enough to see in a few hours of training on a live system.
We both have tomorrow off, which means sleeping in (as long as the cats will allow). He set up next week’s dinners, and got most of the shopping list made. It’s my hope that we’ll get as much done on Saturday as well can so we don’t need to move on Sunday. Regardless, it’s going to be a good weekend, the first truly stress-free weekend in a year.
I’ll probably have him call his mom and fill her in on what’s happening with his case, which means I’ll end up talking to her to explain things a bit more. I’m pretty sure he’s taking the deal offered to him; probation with no jail time is better than the risk of potential time if he opted to go to trial. He’s making a list of questions to ask his lawyer about things his probation and its restrictions could and will affect in the future. I’m sure he’ll talk to his therapist about things during his appointment on Monday as well.
That’s my world today, what’s happening in yours?