I just don’t like her.

I just don’t like her.

It’s funny how sometimes you can go to bed without feeling like you need sleep, only to oversleep by an hour or so. I didn’t stay up late last night; after my call with Shawshank, I watched Supernatural and went to sleep. It’s not like there was a full on binge – I only watched one episode.

Unfortunately, it was the first episode with Felicia Day.

I really, really dislike her as an actress. To me, she’s a walking trope, the neck beard’s ideal version of a manic pixie dream girl. She’s a mediocre actress with a cult of Big Bang Theory characters as followers who adore her because an accessibly attractive girl likes nerd shit. Shawshank, knowing I hate searching for info because I inevitably see spoilers, looked at how many episodes I’d have to put up with her. It’s a lower number than I expected. I dealt with her in Buffy, I think I can (probably) deal in Supernatural, unless horrendous storyline forces me to quit before that.

The sun is up, and there’s a load of clothes in the wash. I imagine that Mom probably put Brian’s work clothes in. There was too much rain over the weekend. I took advantage of the rain to do fuck-all. I stayed on my ass and played a little Baldur’s Gate all day. We didn’t even make it out to the store.

Maybe today.


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