kick it

kick it

I’m up, and out of bed, and I am not happy about it. I didn’t fall asleep very easily. The worst part is I didn’t do anything different. I watched an hour of Netflix, then put on a sleepytime video. Unfortunately, I fell asleep pretty quickly, but woke up around 20 minutes later. I restarted the video and tried again and fell asleep relatively quickly, only to wake up again, this time only 13 minutes into the video.

Any other normal person would have switched videos at that point. I am not a normal person. I restarted that clip two more times, eventually falling asleep, but it wasn’t great. I couldn’t get very comfortable because I really wanted to listen to something – anything, really – but my earbuds weren’t comfortable for side sleeping.

I started a random project last night. For the last year, we’ve been going out for Chinese food every Friday. I’ve been collecting the fortunes from the cookies every week. I cleaned out my purse and pulled out about 50 cookies, which works out to about six months worth of trips to the buffet. I glued about 20 of them onto 4″x5″ paper, with the plan to sort of paint the “tone” of them.

My phone is starting to suck. Watching a video for five minutes and it’s hot. I can’t record more than about 20 minutes worth of video before it completely shuts down recording. Everything is moving slowly. Part of me wanted to go out last night and spin, but it’s not worth it if recording stops 42 seconds into a clip.

I played Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen instead. I’m at a weird point where I know I should be able to survive the shit I’m doing based on my party’s level, but I’m just really bad at killing technique.

I’m not sure what’s happening today. Normally, we’d go to the Compound for Sunday dinner. However, sometimes the dinner/visit schedule switches up when there’s a non-weekend visit. Brian is hoping the grass dries off so he can finish mowing, and aside from a trip to the store for things we missed yesterday, with any luck we’ll just kick it at the house for the rest of the weekend.


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