sweat, baby, sweat, baby, love is a Texas drought

sweat, baby, sweat, baby, love is a Texas drought

Good morning world. The sky has that pre-storm look to it already. There’s a bank of clouds coming in from…. I don’t know what direction. The backyard is cloudy as hell.

Almost immediately after posting yesterday, I went into the bedroom and proceeded to have the same fucking problem I had last month, when I thought it was a panic attack. Whatever it was – and I’ve got theories, which largely boil down to my own stupidity – I was laid up in bed, sweating and sleeping all day. It was awful. I was soaked in cold sweat all day, and ended up changing clothes several times and taking two showers. I was miserable. I’ve mastered the fine art of juggling a puke bucket while sitting on the toilet.

I guess it’s a really good thing I didn’t have Chaucer‘s appointment after all.

1 Comment

  1. I’m glad that you’re on the road to feeling better. I was worried!

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