so there’s some heat

so there’s some heat

Hello, my darlings. I woke up to a sunny and hot Tuesday morning. There’s some clouds, but they don’t have the ominous look of rain – yet.

Yesterday was pretty boring. Mom was on the phone almost all day because it seems like everyone had something they needed or wanted to talk to her about. We watched an episode of Stranger Things, and I painted on the living room floor. I’m mostly finished with a picture of some watermelon, and I signed the painting of the Block Island North Light.

Aside from the painting, I played a little more Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen and thought about leaving. My godmother called in the morning and joked with my mother that by the time I leave here, my veins will be filled with orange juice and I’ll freeze at the Canadian border. I told Mom I’m shooting for leaving mid-late September, so I can be there for Canadian Thanksgiving. And considering how many people called her yesterday, I’m sure everyone knows this plan now.

Mom celebrated this development by putting in an application to adopt a puppy.

I forced myself to go to bed at a reasonable time last night. Shawshank reminded me to take some melatonin while we were chatting. I switched brands recently and it kicks in much quicker than my last one. By the time I was on the bed and turning off my lights, I decided that sleeping across the bed was the best option right then. I grabbed a pillow and light fleece blanket, and I slept across the middle of the mattress as though I was still sick. The room was comfortable enough for me to sleep in some workout pants and a beater shirt. I don’t remember when I moved back to a proper sleeping position.

However, I do know it was a mistake to wear those leggings to bed and sleep under the blanket. I woke up sweaty. I should have known better; sleeping in beaters always makes me too warm.

The clouds have started to roll in. I’m glad I did some laundry yesterday. We just heard a low rumble of thunder, and the light is taking on that weird pre-storm quality. It’s just about time for the house to start getting dressed.


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