I’m here to say I wasn’t kidnapped by Snoop Dogg.

I’m here to say I wasn’t kidnapped by Snoop Dogg.

Good morning, internet. I’m awake, and that’s about all we can ask for. For the moment, it’s sunny and warm. There’s a 50/50 chance of rain, which means we’re definitely going to get rain.

Yesterday was good and bad, but mostly just absolutely meh. My last remaining grandparent died in the morning. Her passing wasn’t unexpected; my grandmother had heart attacks at the same frequency other might people sneeze. I’m pretty sure the last time I actually saw her, in person, was during hospital visiting hours. It’s a testament to her strength that she made it unscathed through Covid, let alone the last decade of health problems. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse over the last week, and she passed yesterday morning.

Neither Mom nor I talked about the potential of going north for services next week, for different reasons. In Mom’s case, her reason was purely financial. It would be difficult to afford plane tickets in normal circumstances. Tickets are definitely out of the question when Brian was just forced to replace two tires on Tuesday.

On the other hand, I was more concerned with the logistics of being there. When I lived up north, my house was the “home base” for any visiting Florida family. Now I’m the Florida family. I felt like even if I could stay with family, I’d still be an inconvenience to everyone because I wouldn’t have transportation. Additionally, the family I’d probably stay with lives on the other side of the state, not to mention the other side of the family tree. They probably wouldn’t go to the service, so someone else would need to chauffeur me around. I felt like it would be easier for everyone if I wasn’t there.

My sister really wants us there. She was disappointed and upset that neither of us were making plans to fly up. I can understand. Mom texted one of her cousins and we have a place to stay. I bought tickets. Mom says she’ll take care of the car rental.

So it looks like I’m going to Rhode Island for a couple of days. Four days, with what seems like half of that in the air.

Oh, but I said it was a good day as well, right? I got paid for my first commission, the painting of Marshall Point Light. I admitted to the buyer that I didn’t have a price in mind when I took the job.

“Look, it’s my first commissioned watercolor piece”, I told her. “I’m a shit businessman, and I notoriously undercharge for my art projects. It’s 11 by 14 inches, and took me about 6 hours. Pay me what you feel my time is worth.”

I’m happy. Honestly, I made double what I probably would have asked for.


    • crystal

      I’m always surprised when someone likes it enough to pay for it, regardless of whatever craft venture I’m trying to sell.

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