Good morning, world. Happy fucking Thursday. The day is sunny and muggy, and that sort of shit is supposed to continue on for the rest of the day. I made the effort to put a big load of clothes in the wash before I even sat down with my coffee. However, don’t let the fact that I’m typing this fool you. I am not really awake. The coffee is trying, but it’s not helping much.
I really, really wish the US was like Canada and only allowed a short bit of time for political campaign advertising. Thankfully the Alabama election is next week. Every time one of their candidates’ ads come on, I want to throw something at the TV. It’s a fucking visceral reaction. These people are on a whole other level compared to New England ads. I can’t fathom anyone, politician or otherwise, not only advertising but bragging about having these mindsets. The lies and propaganda are one thing – both suck, but I expect them in any campaign. However, what really gets to me is the blatant, in your face hate. There’s so much hate.
I did nothing yesterday. We stayed home. I didn’t paint, I didn’t poi, I did absolutely nothing. And I hated it. I rescued a lizard from a decorative lantern, which is about as exciting as my life gets these days.
I played some Skyrim around dinner time. Indica the Lizard Wizard is level 21 and has only just recently discovered she’s the Dragonborn. I’m currently poised to take over the thieves’ guild, but I think I’m going to take over the mages’ college first. Maybe I’ll just run around and acquire houses in every hold and live a simple, dragon-free life.
Today, I’m going to do some terrarium maintenance. I’m wiping things down, but I’ll mostly trim some little bits of overgrowth. I don’t believe we have other plans. I hope not. I kinda want to do nothing.
Doing nothing when you want to do nothing is entirely different than when you don’t want to be a lump but have to be.