with all the frills upon it

with all the frills upon it

Storms came through last night. Shawshank was on the phone with me as the weather system rolled over and by us. I opened the window so we could hear thunder. When the wind picked up, I closed the window out of fear the jars would blow off the sill.

We had no major damage here. A bird feeder blew around enough to knock its lid off. According to Mom, the wind was absolutely whipping around the backyard from all directions, but the front yard was just rain.

I managed a decent little flow session a couple of hours before the storm came in. I’m still wearing my Easter dress.

Dinner at the compound was ok. There was a trifle for dessert, which was mostly ok. Really, I would have been far happier with just the angel food cake she used in it.

I don’t think we have a lot to do this week. No doctor’s appointments, although we may have to go have some tests run. I want to go out today and pick up some containers for the carnivores. We also want to check out the new grocery store that just opened.

I’m going to get up and put pants on. Let the week begin.


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