Apathetic Sunday

Apathetic Sunday

Hello, friends. Hello, Sunday. How’s your slice of existence this morning? I’m here, right? That’s about it. I have another sunny morning, which had me briefly excited about the possibilities. Can I paint? Maybe some spin time? Who knows. Probably not. We’re expected at the Compound in the afternoon.

Yesterday there was more of the usual. We went shopping. Mom bought a ham for Easter dinner at the Compound. I bought a new microwave for the house. I think I made the better purchase. Mom opted for something very basic. The microwave is used for exactly two things: warming sandwiches and preheating potatoes before baking. Initially, we considered buying the type that is a combination microwave/air fryer. However, they replaced the stove at the same time the microwave died, and the new stove has an air fryer option built in. With the stove being such an upgrade, the microwave didn’t need to be as fancy.

However, I didn’t do much else. Mom left the house for an afternoon hair appointment. I took off into my room to watch the finale of Yellowjackets while Brian puttered about. I mopped up the terrarium glass in the three swampy jars. They should be in a much better place, moisture-wise. Even better, the number of “casualties” in the battle over the Apothecarium was the lowest it’s been in a couple of days.

The War for the Apothecarium

  • 28 baby snails moved outside
  • 2 adults moved outside
  • 3 AWOL baby snails lost in the bedroom
  • 2 ferns eaten

I only had to remove three snails yesterday, which is quite the improvement over the 12 or so that I found the prior day. I thought I had found a grouping just under the sand last night. Fortunately, that wasn’t the case.

I really want a nice, loud thunderstorm. There’s something amazing about an afternoon lounging about. I’d love to spend a day not watching daytime TV (or nonstop HGTV, which is usually the weekend and sometimes prime time fare). I might get my wish later in the week, when we can expect rain. I’d like to spend an afternoon on my bed, bingeing Netflix. There’s nothing like starting a “new” series, even if it’s nearly 20 years old.

For today, however, it’ll be sun and casual racism.


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