The Roomba just tried to eat my headphones

The Roomba just tried to eat my headphones

Good morning, peeps. We’ve made it to the promised land of the weekend. The weather for the next few days should be great. The skies are clear, and a week’s worth of Brian’s jeans are in the wash already.

Meltdown averted: we went out to the Chinese buffet last night. Mom was feeling a bit better by afternoon, so she decided to risk it. I don’t know what this bodes for shopping today. I’m sure we’ll do the regular food shopping. Brian really wants to buy new work boots, which would mean a trip into Alabama.

I spent most of yesterday doing nothing. I took the poi out for a spin in the afternoon. The weather was clear but windy, so I struggled. My afternoon spins are usually less “flow” and more practicing moves. Unfortunately, there was just enough breeze to make drilling difficult.

But I went out and got my flow on. I needed an hour or so worth of spin therapy. I practiced some moves I’ve recently started to get a handle on. You can see me riding the struggle bus towards the end of the clip above, where I nearly hit myself in the face twice. However, early in the clip you can see me doing two crossers, which I’ve only just started to figure out. At the moment, I’m learning several moves:

  • crossers (that move that looks like I’m hugging myself)
  • split-time same-direction anti-spin flowers (what I’m doing right as the beat drops)
  • wrist wraps (example)

I need to spend more time in the back practicing and less time dancing around like a fool.

1 Comment

  1. If dancing around like a fool helps you get into the flow, dance away!!

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