

Happy Friday, people. We had enough clear skies to let Mom wash clothes, but the clouds have rolled back in this morning. I haven’t paid enough attention to the weather report to know what today holds. Aside from a threat of rain overnight, most of the day will be a mystery to me.

Yesterday’s phone interview went ok. Since I had her name, I looked up the interviewer online before the call, wondering whereabouts in the company ladder she might be. I assumed she was probably a corporate headquarters HR person. Based on the search results and the call itself, I now think she was in a call center in the Philippines, reading questions from a script. While I don’t think it’s a bad thing, I don’t connect very well on the phone like that. Additionally, I felt like the interviewer didn’t know much about the company/job and how my pharmacy experience will be a benefit in the cannabis industry.

Mostly, she really didn’t give a shit. She finished the call by telling me that she would send her notes to the hiring manager. If they liked me, I would hear something either next week or the following week if they wanted me for any additional interviews. I was scheduled for a 20 minute call. The call lasted exactly 9 minutes. Maybe 7 minutes, if we consider niceties and bullshit.

The interview must have gone ok. I have another interview – virtual, this time around – tomorrow morning.

In other news, I was finally able to go outside and spin poi in the yard after dark. I actually recorded some clips, and I’m here to bring you the highest quality poi videos ever. Bow down before my skills, Drex.

I was very high when I picked that music. Like, aggressively baked. I laughed for a solid 5 minutes.


    • crystal

      They’re telling us just rain and wind, mostly overnight, but nothing out of the ordinary. Just your average panhandle weather. I’ll open my window and listen to thunderstorms all night

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