

Hey y’all. It’s Tuesday, and sunnyish. While sunnyish might not be a real word, it’s a word that works. Today is supposed to be slightly nice, both in skies and temps. There’s a chance I could be able to go outside for a little while.

I went to Walmart yesterday. Remember how I needed melatonin and shipping boxes? Yeah, I bought neither of those things. I completely forgot the melatonin, because I hadn’t taken it in nearly a year. It’s not a huge problem to not have any. I had been taking it mostly in an attempt to put my sleep schedule back on track. Things seem to be a little better these days, so I’m not going to worry today. I’ll have to go through the things under my bed and look for a box, or buy one from the post office.

While I forgot the melatonin, I managed to find a couple of mason jars. I would have liked to have gone bigger, or at least something with a wider mouth. However, the smaller wide mouth jars are only sold by the dozen, and the larger jars were $10/each. Instead, I opted for two smaller jars.

I used one to make a tiny native terrarium from plants and soil from Mom‘s backyard. I call it “Teensycola”. Capturing the snail wasn’t intentional, and I might bring it back outside if I see it munching too many of the plants. My next little project is to make a closed ecosystem from one of the creek areas nearby. I’m going to leave the remaining jar in the truck (with some rubber gloves), so I’ll have it handy when I find some place to fill it.

We don’t have any plans for today. If I can pack up the package, I’ll go out to the post office. Even though the temperature is supposed to be better, the forecast is calling for increasing clouds over the next few days. Since those clouds will be bringing rain, I should probably make an effort to go outside and play for a little while.


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