all day painting bonanza

all day painting bonanza

Shawshank came inside from an after-dinner smoke. “If you want to put on shoes, you can poi, it’s not too bad outside”, he said. “Not too bad” is relative; the temp was about 0°f at the time.


spinning in 0°f in slippers that are too big and no jacket and no cares at all #flowtoys #poi #poispinning #flowtok #ledpoi #saskatchewan

♬ abcdefu – GAYLE

Nonetheless, it was a fucking blast to be out there. I really need to have a few more nice nights like that, and the headphones.

This morning, Shawshank announced via text that I really needed to work on the painting for his boss. She won’t be in the shop on Friday, and there’s a decent possibility she could stay away on Thursday as well. I dressed and got to work.

That’s why there was no morning post. I finished just after Shawshank came home from work.

At least there was a good reason for my lateness.

I celebrated finishing by smoking more before framing the painting. Then we discovered the boxes we bought to wrap the paintings are too small, and I had to wrap this latest one in only paper. Regardless of wrapping, I’ll bring it up to the shop tomorrow sometime.


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