Last Minute

Last Minute

Hello, world. Happy Tuesday. We’ve got some sunshine this morning, which will be great for my one outdoor activity today.

I had a bad day yesterday. I was in a very angry and bitter mood in the morning. I try not to let the anger over his actions and what happened between us get to me. Unfortunately, it happens occasionally, usually when something big is happening that would normally be an “us” decision that I have to handle alone. In this case, I brought Mal to the vet in the afternoon to find out what’s happening and talk to them about his options, and whether or not I’ll come home to two cats, or just one.

The vet prodded and squeezed Mal. He could feel two lumps, neither an alarming size. He’s pretty sure one was just poop. He’s not sure about the second one without an x-ray. However, the x-ray is only going to give us so much info, namely “poop” or “not poop”. If it isn’t poop, well… the only option from there is surgery. However, surgery comes with a bunch risks, because he’s old, on top of whatever they find. On a positive note, the vet doesn’t believe it’s a foreign body. Mal was the sweetest cat for the entire visit, didn’t react to the prodding. The vet said he’s never had a cat that didn’t react to poking a foreign object in the belly, and doesn’t believe he’s in any sort of pain.

We opted to hold off on anything else for the moment. They gave Mal some IV fluids, some nausea meds, and a extended release anti-inflammatory. We’re hoping that if we can get him feeling better, he’ll start eating again, which will help him improve overall. He ate last night, but is hovering around me this morning.

Otherwise, I’m continuing the whirlwind today. The results of my covid test came back negative, as expected. I filled out all the info needed for the ArriveCAN app, and transferred everything to my bigger purse. I’ll be adding the last minute clean clothes to the suitcase this afternoon.

I need to find my onesie-style jammies. I think they’re in the back of my truck. I need to go to Walmart and buy some more cat food, and any other last minute things. I also need to re-do the ArriveCAN stuff, because I put the wrong “arrival”.



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