He’s a friend of humanity, so give him the rest

He’s a friend of humanity, so give him the rest

Happy Saturday, people. The sun is out, the wind is down, and I’m still here. I slept on my head wrong and my bruise is a little tender. Things don’t feel worse, so there’s that, at least.

Brian’s uncle stopped in yesterday afternoon to check on me. He had been over on Sunday for dinner, so he saw me sleeping through both the food and the game. He’s a nice guy, he’s just a bit weird and phenomenally dumb. It’s a shame, because according to everyone he was a very smart, on the ball kind of guy, even as recently as 10 years ago. Regardless, it was nice of him to stop in.

Other than the visit, yesterday was pretty boring. I binged a few episodes of Outlander before Brian came home from work, then switched to The Witcher. Amusingly enough, he stayed awake for most of it. About 5 minutes after he started watching, he asked “is that… Superman?” When I turned it off after 1.5 episodes, he said “that’s not a bad show”. Considering I expected him to immediately tune it out entirely after Jaskier’s first run of Toss a Coin to Your Witcher, much like he did when we subjected him to Tim Burton’s Sweeney Todd, this is FUCKING HIGH PRAISE.

Tomorrow is Halloween. Mom‘s still up north, and will probably be spending the evening with the grandkids, at least before they go out trick-or-treating. I’d like to be outside spinning poi for at least a little bit of time, because it’s been a week now. I’ll have to find something suitably Halloweenish – I had a cheap court jester set up, but the hat is on a headband, and I can’t wear it anymore.

And…. I just thought of an idea, and I don’t think I’ll need to worry about buying anything extra.

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