

There were chickens in the front yard when I woke up this morning. They escaped from the house a couple down from us. Normally, they’re cooped in their backyard and can only go into our neighbor’s backyard.

There’s been an escape.

I slept in a little today when I accidentally turned the alarm off instead of snoozing it. So annoying, I hate when I do that.

As expected, we went shopping yesterday. Not a big shopping, but just enough to have a trip out of the house. I had another afternoon with the paints. I packed up slightly early. The sky looked like rain and the wind had shifted a bit. Unfortunately, the rain never came, and I missed out on about an hour or so of extra painting time. However, I made some progress on the two pieces being worked on. Progress – of any type – is good.

Today, I think we’re sitting at home. I think I’ll just be like the chickens, and do my thing in the shade.


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